2024-05 |
A linear relationship of ankle-brachial systolic blood pressure index for cognitive function decline among older adults without peripheral artery disease: The halst study |
Journal of Hypertension. 2024 May;42(Suppl. 1):Meeting Abstract e85. |
2024-05 |
Alcohol drinking may modify the association between Hdl-cholesterol and coronary calcium score in an older population |
Journal of Hypertension. 2024 May;42(Suppl. 1):Meeting Abstract e221. |
2018-11 |
Changes in patterns of sugar sweetened beverage consumption in Taiwanese adolescents in 14 years |
European Journal of Public Health. 2018 Nov;28(Suppl. 4):354-355. |
2018-06 |
Impacts of the new 2017 acc/aha hypertension guideline on the prevalence of brachial hypertension and its concordance with central hypertension |
Journal of Hypertension. 2018 Jun;36:E228-E229. |
2017-11 |
Change in sugar sweetened beverage consumption and crelated biomarkers and nutrient in adolescents |
European Journal of Public Health. 2017 Nov;27(Suppl. 3):511. |
2016-10 |
The co-occurrence of depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment and its relationship with diabetes self-care behaviors |
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2016 Oct;120(Suppl. 1):S155-S156. |
2015-10 |
Vitamin D, its determinants, and physical performances in the healthy aging longitudinal study in Taiwan (HALST) |
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2015 Oct;67(Suppl. 1):381. |
2014-11 |
The incidence, prevalence, and survival of malignant melanoma in Taiwan |
Value in Health. 2014 Nov;17(7):A740. |
2014-05 |
Serum ferritin level is positively associated with microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes of Taiwan |
Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation. 2014 May;29(Suppl. 3):iii432-iii433. |
2011-08 |
The relationship between leisure time physical activity, diet control, smoking and utilisation of medical services in diabetes: Results of a national cohort in Taiwan |
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2011 Aug;65(Suppl. 1):A126. |
2010-05 |
A retrospective study of incidence, prevalence, treatment patterns and cost of rheumatoid arthritis's in Taiwan using the national health insurance data |
Value in Health. 2010 May;13(3):A133. |
2009-10 |
Stable J-shaped prospective relationship between BMI and high medical expenditure from Taiwian cardiovascular pooling project: implications for defining and preventing obesity |
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2009 Oct;55(Suppl.1):103-104. |
2009-06 |
Stable J-shaped prospective relationship between BMI and high medical expenditure from Taiwan cardiovascular pooling project: implications for defining and preventing obesity |
Atherosclerosis Supplements. 2009 Jun;10(2):e423. |
2008-11 |
A population study on the age-specific relationship between body mass index, metabolic disorders, and utilization of ambulatory services |
Value in Health. 2008 Nov;11(6):A648. |
2008-08 |
Application of Spatial Method to Small Area Estimation for Alcohol Use in Taiwan |
The Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM). 2008 Aug 3-7. |
2008-03 |
Costs of metabolic syndrome-related diseases induced by obesity in Taiwan |
Obesity Reviews. 2008 Mar;9(Suppl. 1):68-73. |
2008 |
The prevalence, incidence, cost, and imatinib resistance of Chronic myeloid leukemia in Taiwan |
The International Society for Hematology, World Congress XXXII. 2008. |
2007-11 |
Incidence and risk factors of school children' s smoking: Results of CABLE study |
The 135th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. 2007 Nov 3-7. |
2007-09 |
The relationship between lifestyles and prediabetes with metabolic syndrome in newly developed type 2 diabetes mellitus - based on the Diabetes Case Management Program 2001, Taiwan |
Diabetologia. 2007 Sep;50(Suppl. 1):S341. |
2007-06-14 |
Perceived health is associated with mortality in elderly males, but not females: a 4-year follow-up in Taiwan |
The 1st European Congress on Aging Males. 2007 Jun 14-16. |
2006-03 |
A population approach to compare diabetes in the US and in Taiwan |
The ISPOR 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference. 2006 MAR 5-7:45. |
2006 |
A two-phase model to study the health care seeking behaviors for common cold of people in Taiwan |
The Joint Statistics Meeting. 2006. |
2005-12-13 |
Functional status and health care costs in older population in Taiwan |
The 133th annual meeting of APHA. 2005 Dec 13. |
2005-12-13 |
Utilization of complementary and alternative medicine under Taiwan's National Health Insurance |
The 133th Annual Meeting of APHA. 2005 Dec 13. |
2005-07-09 |
Are teenagers residing in mountainous areas in Taiwan more subjected to injury? |
The International Health Economic Association. 2005 Jul 9-13. |
2005 |
The metabolic syndrome in university students with family history of diabetes mellitus - a preliminary report of the University Smoking and Obesity Assessment Program (University SOAP) |
Diabetologia. 2005;48(Suppl. 1):A146. |
2004-11-06 |
Does self-perceived mental health states affect the utilization of health care? |
The 132th annual meeting of APHA. 2004 Nov 6-10. |
2004-11-06 |
Possible effects of National Health Insurance on preference and actual outpatient visits in Taiwan |
The 132th annual meeting of APHA. 2004 Nov 6-10. |
2004 |
Exploring the feasibility of using small area estimation to estimate health behaviors in remote areas in Taiwan |
The Joint Statistical Meeting. 2004. |
2003-11-17 |
General mental state of the residents in Taiwan: Results of 2001 NHIS in Taiwan |
The 131th annual meeting of APHA. 2003 Nov 17. |
2003-11-15 |
Ten-year changes of BMI, blood pressures, blood lipids and glucose of elderly in Taiwan |
The 131th annual meeting of APHA. 2003 Nov 15-19. |
2003-08-13 |
Estimating heritability of complex traits With measurement errors and drug effects |
The 53th International Statistical Institutes. 2003 Aug 13 - 20. |
2002-06 |
Comparison of mortality experience between Chinese in Taiwan and Chinese in the US |
American Journal of Epidemiology. 2002 Jun;155(11 Suppl. S):s87. |
2002-02 |
Differences in BMI cut-points and obesity-related disorders among Taiwanese, US non-Hispanic whites, and blacks: Implications for definitions of overweight and obesity for Asians and across populations |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2002 Feb;75(2):220. |
2001-10 |
Association between hypertension, AGT, DCP1, and LPL genes, and environmental factors: results of Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan, 1993-1996 |
American Journal of Human Genetics. 2001 Oct;69(4 Suppl. 1):554. |
2001-09 |
Differences in BMI cut-points and obesity-related disorders among Taiwanese, US non-Hispanic whites, and blacks: implications for definitions of overweight and obesity for Asians and across populations |
Obesity Research. 2001 Sep;9:98S. |
2001-08-08 |
Applying factor analysis to data with measurement errors |
The Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association. 2001 Aug 8. |
2001-06-10 |
The perspective cohort study of the periodic health screening for the elderly |
ICN 22nd Quadrennial Congress. 2001 Jun 10-15. |
2001 |
Estimating usual daily intakes distribution of people in Taiwan after accounting for large within individual variations |
The 10th Annual Scientific meeting of Australasian Epidemiological Association. 2001. |
2000 |
Using time dependent hazard model to compare the cardiovascular mortality of elderly males in a potassium containing salt trial |
The Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association. 2000. |