OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to investigate the change in employment status in survivors with occupational cancers at the time of diagnosis until 2 years. METHODS: In this study, we included 382 occupational cancer workers from Labor Insurance Database. After applying exclusion criteria, 86 workers in 2004-2015 were included. The mean age of cancer workers were 51.38 ± 9.1119 years old and the average salary of industry of NTD 31492 ± 10696. RESULTS: Salary adjustment was the most change in the employment status in cancer survivors. Salary adjustment (37%), 28-45-year-old group (55%), male (30%), and Southern district (34%), had the most workers on day 730. Wholesale and Retail Trade had the most of percentage of cancer survivals remained on workplace. CONCLUSIONS: Change of employment status in cancer survivors are important to decrease the impact of economic burden on society.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2022 Feb;64(2):158-165.